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Love Above All Else

We all have things we like and things we love. Furthermore, we like and love things in varying degrees.

Some things we “really” like, and some things we “really” love. There is one thing we would be wise to love ABOVE all else.

Psalm 119:127 Therefore I love your commandments above gold, above fine gold. (ESV)

Notice it isn’t gold, silver, clothes, automobiles, houses, or even people we love above all else, conversely it is God’s Word.

Notice below, that loving God’s Word above all else, results in us accepting it as truth and keeping it.

Psalm 119:128 Therefore I consider all your precepts to be right; I hate every false way.

Psalm 119:129 Your testimonies are wonderful; therefore, my soul keeps them. (ESV)

Here are some thoughts about loving above all else:

  • Gold is valuable and can buy us lots of special things.

  • Because gold is so valuable, people leave all they have to hunt and dig for it.

  • People are willing to pay a price to hunt and discover gold.

  • Once we value or love God’s Word above gold, we then place it above all else and dig for the truth it contains.

  • It is the truth we unearth that sets us free and directs our paths.

In the same way that gold buys us the desires of our hearts, God’s Word brings us fullness of joy, contentment, and meets all our needs.

Every blessing to each of you,


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